The church of Saint John and other churches

The church of Saint John is characterized by frescoes that depict Christ within a mandorla from the 17th century. Within it is also the wooden statue of Saint George the Martyr, created by the artist Paolo Saverio Di Zinno.

The church of Holy Mary of Grace (Santa Maria delle Grazie) was also present on the acropolis, while, over centuries, the monasteries of San Pietro ad Itrias and San Rocco, were lost. Along the private road which leads to Rocchetta a Volturno is also the rupestrian church of Saint Mary of the Grotto (Santa Maria delle Grotte), to which the inhabitants of Scapoli are still devoted. The small church of Saint John is characterized by frescoes that depict Christ within a mandorla from the 17th century. Within it is also the wooden statue of Saint George the Martyr, created by the artist Paolo Saverio Di Zinno. The church of Holy Mary of Grace (Santa Maria delle Grazie) was also present on the acropolis, while, over centuries, the monasteries of San Pietro ad Itrias and San Rocco, were lost. Along the private road which leads to Rocchetta a Volturno is also the rupestrian church of Saint Mary of the Grotto (Santa Maria delle Grotte), to which the inhabitants of Scapoli are still devoted.